Can Rick Perry cash in on his debate gaffe?

Rick Perry sent a letter to supporters asking for campaign donations for "stepping in it" during Wednesday night's debate.

November 10, 2011

After Wednesday night’s ultra-painful debate moment, when he spent 53 seconds trying without success to recall the third agency he would eliminate as president, Rick Perry is now taking a page out of Herman Cain’s playbook - and using what he’s calling his “all too human moment” to try to raise money. Call us cynical, but we somehow doubt Gov. Perry’s going to pull in big bucks after Wednesday night’s performance (unless he gets some sympathy donations).

Here’s the letter Team Perry sent out to supporters:

"Friend & Supporter,

We’ve all had human moments. President Obama is still trying to find all 57 states. Ronald Reagan got lost somewhere on the Pacific Highway in an answer to a debate question. Gerald Ford ate a tamale without removing the husk. And tonight Rick Perry forgot the third agency he wants to eliminate. Just goes to show there are too damn many federal agencies.

The governor said it best afterwards: “I’m glad I had my boots on, because I sure stepped in it tonight.”

While the media froths over this all too human moment, we thought we would take this opportunity to ask your help in doing something much more constructive: write us to let us know what federal agency you would most like to forget.

Is it the EPA and its job-killing zealots? The NLRB and its czar-like dictates? The edu-crats at the Department of Education who aim to control your local curriculum?

Send your answer to, and if you are on twitter join us in using a new twitter hashtag: #forgetmenot. And, if you could, throw in a $5 contribution for every agency you would like to forget. We hope you have a long list. And we promise we will write down every last idea. So we don’t forget.

Still standing in our Boots,

Team Perry"

As Politico noted: We have no idea why they capitalized “Boots” at the end of the letter. But Perry’s going to need some sturdy ones to survive this.

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