In the zone at Antoni Gaudí's famous unfinished cathedral

A photographer frames the perfect shot at Antoni Gaudí's Sagrada Família only to find he was not alone in his inspiration.

La Sagrada Família, Barcelona.

Alfredo Sosa/Staff

June 8, 2010

A trip to Barcelona cannot be complete without a visit to Antoni Gaudí's most famous and unfinished landmark: La Sagrada Família. Like thousands of people that day, I ventured into the inner workings of this almost organic piece of architecture. Construction workers performed their purportedly endless play while tourists watched in awe.

Sparks flew, light seeped through the stones, and best of all, I had my camera. Before long, I was in the photographer's "zone" – that moment when the world is reduced to light and shape and one sees things that are invisible to most. And then it happens, one click and the world slows to a halt. That's the moment when I knew I had my image. I was done.

As reality sped up to a normal pace, I relaxed and finished my visit with a slight smile on my face that said to all amateur photographers in the building, "I've got something good."

Like all tourists, I finished my visit at La Sagrada Família's gift shop. There, two euros could buy you a postcard with the very same image.

And right there, life set me straight once again.