Review: 'Paper Heart'

Docudrama about falling love in love has a sweet, meandering quality.

Actors Michael Cera and Charlyne Yi, right, in a scene from, Paper Heart.

August 7, 2009

If you were still under the misapprehension that only guys can be geeks, "Paper Heart" will change your mind once and for all. Charlyne Yi, best known as the solitary, oddball girlfriend in the "Knocked Up" guy cave, is not quite an actress, not quite a comic (even though she does stand-up comedy). She's more like a performance artist. In "Paper Heart," a docudrama directed by Nicholas Jasenovec that deliberately comes across as a documentary, she plays herself, as does Michael Cera as her sort of boyfriend. Yi bops around the country with a camera crew in tow, asking nonactors what they think about love. Meanwhile, she questions whether she herself is capable of falling in love. It's all kind of silly and amorphous, but the scenes between Yi and Cera, whether or not they were scripted, have a babes-in-the-wood loveliness. Grade: B- (Rated PG-13 for some language.)