What book reviewers are saying this week

September 22, 2008


ANGLER: The Cheney Vice Presidency
By Barton Gellman / Penguin Press
“Barton Gellman’s outstanding new book, Angler, could well turn out to be the most revealing account of Cheney’s activities as vice president that ever gets written.... There will almost certainly be no vice president as powerful as Cheney for decades, and no account of what he has wrought that is as compelling as this book.”
JAMES MANN, The Washington Post

BUMPING INTO GENIUSES: My Life Inside the Rock and Roll Business
By Danny Goldberg / Gotham
“[There are] many insights in this surprisingly excellent book, an engaging, droll, and – incandescent artistes to the contrary – largely demystifying look at the evolution of the rock trade from Woodstock to grunge.”
JODY ROSEN, The New York Times

People Of The Whale
By Linda Hogan / W.W. Norton
“Hogan has big talent for stories about American Indians and the struggles faced to justify their traditions and values against the demands of modern society – a premise well worth the effort.”
QUINN FITZPATRICK, Rocky Mountain News