In Detroit, a window frames the city

April 24, 2006

A camera can be considered a window into the world - a means to record moments in time and glimpses of life. No two instants are ever the same.

I took this idea literally while riding the People Mover in Detroit. On assignment to photograph the city's use of public transportation, I became intrigued by what lay ahead of the front car window. The ride was only a three-mile circuit and yet, at every inch, something different was revealed.

What do these images signify when placed in sequence? Perhaps nothing more than different points on the train's path. Or maybe they combine to reveal a glimpse into the livelihood of a city.

As a photographer, you take pictures with the idea that something more than a succession of moments is happening in front of the lens. Something grabs hold of you, and you shoot without knowing exactly why. You frame your picture in a way that offers a unique perspective.

I was taking photos of people on public transit and found a window into Detroit.