
April 21, 2006

What education? A success story of grade-school dropouts While there is often a correlation between educational attainment and success in life, the two are not always bedfellows. History is replete with examples of men and women who have overcome a lack of formal education with inventiveness, inspiration, artistry, or a combination of these - and gone on to fame and fortune. "The Book of Lists for Kids" identifies some of the following (in alphabetical order) as overachievers who excelled in their various fields despite not even graduating from elemen-tary school; others were identified via Internet searches:
Andrew Carnegie, industrialist
Charlie Chaplin, actor/ comedian
Charles Dickens, writer
Isadora Duncan, dancer
Thomas Edison, inventor
Henry Ford, industrialist
Claude Monet, French impressionist painter
Sean O'Casey, playwright
Pablo Picasso, artist
Beatrix Potter, writer
John Philip Sousa, composer
Mark Twain, novelist/essayist