Readers' picks

March 14, 2006

I'm reading Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen, translated by Tiina Nunnally. Why? Because they're a time machine back to my childhood, and because they make my head spin, or swim, or something.
- Bill Gordon, Chicago, Ill.

I'm reading 1491 - ought to be required reading for every college student. It's history written by a journalist; very palatable.
- Mary Groom-Hall, Missoula, Mont.

The Solitaire Mystery by Jostein Gaarder. A novel that tests our limits of understanding concerning reality. Great fun!!
- Marsha Havens, Eureka Springs, Ark.

Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, by Bart Ehrman. A Terry Gross interview got me to buy it. Enjoying it, but it is not a relaxing read; takes concentration. But, it does "feel" worth it.
- Tracy Burridge, Yamhill County, Ore.

What are you reading? Write and tell us at Marjorie Kehe.