Reporters on the Job

September 30, 2005

A Narrow Window: Covering the 4th Women Islamic Games in Tehran can be a challenge, especially if you are male and have a camera, says staff writer Scott Peterson. Photographers were only allowed into the opening ceremony and the archery and golf competitions - where women adhere to Islamic dress codes. In other events, men and photographers were excluded so that the women could compete in normal sports garb that allows freedom of movement.

The rules mean that, with few images to drive stories, there is little news coverage of the event, even in Iran. That leaves reporters trolling for stories in the lobby of Tehran's Azadi Grand Hotel, one of three hotels where the competitors stay. There, participants in proper Islamic wear are allowed to mix with journalists.

"Call it sports reporting by remote control," says Scott, who met the only American in the competition in the lobby of the Azadi Grand Hotel.

David Clark Scott
World editor