Tubegazing: Premiering next week

September 23, 2005

Christian rock singer Amy Grant hosts Three Wishes (NBC, Wednesday, 9 p.m. ET), which could be called "Extreme Makeover: Real Life." She and her team of angels swoop into a small town, find the neediest three families, and grant their heart's deepest desires. Dreams come true, whole towns cry, and Grant sings. If you have a soft spot for ABC's home makeover show, make room for this one - and bring tissues.

If you've ever wondered what life is really like for the people milling about in the background as Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman fill the silver screen, tune into Extras (HBO, Sunday, 10:30 p.m.), a show about backlot boys and girls. The sly comic presence of Ricky Gervais ("The Office") makes this a cut above the numerous insider shows out at the moment ("Entourage," "The Comeback"). In the first episodes, Kate Winslet and Ben Stiller front the action.

As the first show about a female president, it's a little disappointing that Geena Davis comes to office in Commander in Chief (ABC, Tuesday, 9 p.m. ET) on a technicality. But once there, it's such fun to watch her spar with opponents, in particular Donald Sutherland, that it's forgivable. Hillary Clinton will surely be eyeing the ratings to see if America is ready for a woman president.