The world says no to spanking

July 10, 2002

"The results of a ... number of careful scientific studies show that ... on average, those kids who are not spanked tend to be better behaved and do better in school," says Murray Straus, co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire. "When they grow up, they tend to have better marriages, earn more money, and live better lives."

Dr. Murray spoke Sunday at an international seminar on "Global Progress Towards Ending all Corporal Punishment of Children," in Denver, Colo.

In more than 90 countries, corporal punishment of children has been abolished in schools and in the penal system for young offenders. In 10 countries it has been prohibited in the family as well: Austria, Finland, Latvia, Germany, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Israel, Norway, and Sweden.

Thirteen other countries are actively considering whether to abolish the practice.