Wartime postcards from military posts

December 5, 2001

Robynn and Matt Clairday, authors of "Postcards From World War II" (see the Monitor's Neighbor to Neighbor column, page11, Nov. 28), a collection of wartime correspondence from servicemen, are seeking more World War II-era postcards for a sequel. They're especially looking for postcards from 1941 and 1945, any items dealing with Pearl Harbor, and cards commemorating the Japanese surrender or the detonation of the atomic bombs. The Clairdays' book will include both the front and back of each card, reading like a flipbook of the cards themselves.

If you have postcards you'd like to share, e-mail Mr. Clairday at matt670@ix.netcom.com to make arrangements. All postcards will be returned after publication - along with a thank-you copy of the book. Ten percent of royalties will go to Paralyzed Veterans of America.