Web Smarts

January 26, 1999


What: They weren't kidding when they put the "fun" in "Funbrain.com." It's a Web site full of interactive puzzles and games. And the clincher is that they're all educational. You'll find math, spelling, word, and global knowledge games geared to ages from preschool to high school. And don't be so hasty as to think even a wizened adult can't learn a thing or two. It's a bit humbling when one clicks on a map game called "Where is That?" chooses "Super Brain," and gets whooped.

Best points: Like all good Web sites, everything is easily accessible from the main page. But what's better is that the games are a visual treat. Click on "Math Baseball," for example. As you answer problems correctly, a graphic of a baseball player moves from base to base. Or try "Shape Surveyor" where you can learn about geometry in the context of an archaeological dig. Most games are accessible to all levels from "Easy" to "Super Brain." Another intriguing feature is the "Quiz Lab." Teachers can create online quizzes for students by entering questions and answers into a form provided. Students take the quiz online and then Funbrain e-mails the results back to the teacher.

What you need to know: Funbrain is designed and maintained by PMpublishing, a company that makes software for options traders. A company representative says they started making Internet test sites about four years ago to help employees hone computer skills. Funbrain was a result of that effort.