The Hispanic Armada

November 29, 1996

As analyses mount from the last election, it appears that Republicans met a Hispanic armada more unsinkable than the Spanish Armada of the 16th century. The GOP has some rethinking to do for a future when America's largest "minority" is projected to be Hispanic. The party has to dispel the anti-immigrant, anti-minority aura linked to increased turnouts - and increased Democratic percentages - of Hispanic voters.

"The yawning Hispanic gap is the most alarming news for Republicans this year," writes conservative columnist Paul Gigot.

But you don't have to be Hispanic to deplore the divisive rhetoric of a Robert Dornan, long-time California congressman who was defeated by Democrat Loretta Sanchez.

Not only Hispanics want a Republican Party - and Democratic Party, too - representing the American welcome enshrined in the Statue of Liberty. This is not incompatible with the security of borders and requirements of citizenship that all nations must preserve.

Nor are Hispanics a one-issue constituency. Their diversity ranges at least from Florida businesspeople on the right to California farm workers on the left. In the end, Americans must be appealed to as individuals all-in-this-together, or more than a political party could come apart.