The mixed bag of mass media

December 27, 1994

I agree with the editorial ``Real Solutions to Crime,'' Nov. 8, which states that the media share much of the blame for the state our society is in today. Mass media have had the most influence on societal changes in the 20th century.

The role of the media has enabled the public to be more active in changing the laws and the ideas of the public. Through mass media, people are able to share their opinions and ideas with the rest of the world more quickly than before. The public is also better informed about candidates running for public office. A candidate's appearance shows more of what the candidate is all about.

But television has caused a decline in the idea of the traditional family. In the past, members of the family relied on one another for entertainment by going out and doing things together, telling stories, visiting neighbors, friends, or relatives, or by playing games.

Today, the average teen watches between two and three hours of television every day and spends little time conversing with other family members. Russell Weir, Belton, Texas

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