1994 Pulitzers Honor Journalists, Artists

April 14, 1994

THE New York Times boosted its Pulitzer Prizes to 69 by winning three prizes this year, including its first for photography and two others for feature writing and spot news. The Chicago Tribune claimed two, for editorials on child abuse and for science writing. ``We were kind of hoping for more than one,'' said Max Frankel, the Times' retiring executive editor.

In the arts, Edward Albee ended a nearly 20-year drought of commercial and artistic recognition, capturing the 1994 Pulitzer in drama for ``Three Tall Women.'' The other arts winners were E. Annie Proulx, fiction; former Washington Post reporter David Remnick, general non-fiction; biographer David Levering Lewis; poet Yusef Komunyakaa; and composer Gunther Schuller. No history award was given.

The national reporting prize went to Eileen Welsome of The Albuquerque Tribune for her stories about Americans used without their knowledge in government plutonium experiments a half-century ago. She spent years tracking down the story.

``I hope the Pulitzer will be an inspiration to all newspapers, big and small, and to the public who are out there just like us trying to batter down the stubborn bureaucratic walls,'' said Ms. Welsome.