Assessing Israel's actions

April 8, 1994

Israel's admission of mistakes made in recent confrontations in the territories does not justify bias regarding the Fatah Hawks and Israel's commitment to the peace process (Editorial, ``Israel's Behavior,'' March 31).

In violation of Arafat's formal instructions, armed bands of Fatah Hawks throughout the territories openly call for violating the declaration of principles and resuming armed activities. Furthermore, two terrorists convicted of knifing to death two Israelis in December were reportedly Hawk members, and Hawks have claimed responsibility for recent shooting and grenade attacks on Israeli soldiers and police.

As for its commitment to peace, Israel should be commended, not chided. It has looked the other way when Palestine Liberation Organization elements have repeatedly violated pledges, and it has made significant concessions in the wake of PLO political exploitation of the tragic Hebron massacre. How has Israel's negotiating partner demonstrated its commitment? Glen Tobias, New York Bluma Zuckerbrot Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

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