Monitor Wins Eight Awards

March 9, 1994

THE Christian Science Monitor has won the Media Forum Award from Education for Public Inquiry and International Citizenship (EPIIC), a nonpartisan public-policy forum at Tufts University in Medford, Mass.

The award honors the Monitor's international-news coverage for its ``in-depth, analytical reporting on issues of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism from Amman to Zagreb, from Azerbaijan to Zaire.'' It was presented March 4 at Tufts University during an international conference sponsored by EPIIC.

The Monitor also has won seven awards in a design competition sponsored by the Society of Newspaper Design (SND). Bronze medals were awarded for Overall Design, News Section, and Feature Photojournalism. Awards of Excellence were received for Overall Design, Features Section; Design Portfolio (Karen Everbeck); Single-Subject Series (Lens and Light); Portfolio of Photojournalism (Melanie Stetson Freeman); and Feature Photojournalism (Ms. Freeman).

The awards will be presented at the SND's annual workshop this fall in Kansas City, Mo.