On a path of higher population

May 13, 1993

Regarding the front-page article "Panel Studies Impact of New Immigrants on US Jobs, Wages," May 6: This issue isn't that new immigrants may or may not undercut the well-being of native-born Americans, but that the legislation permitting such immigration has placed our nation on a path of high population growth at exactly the wrong time in both our national and world history.

As a nation that uses world resources and creates pollution at a scandalous rate, to increase our size seems illogical. Further, to increase our population by large increments when we are barely able to limit the damage caused by an already large population seems foolhardy and irresponsible.

There is an element of fantasy in this - the legislating of that which is obviously harmful - which is very troubling. Is Congress in touch with reality? Marvin Gregory, Renton, Wash.

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