April 29, 1993


National Basketball Association Playoffs (TNT, 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.): Game 1 of the quarterfinals includes Charlotte, N.C., at Boston, followed by San Antonio at Portland, Ore. FRIDAY

...Talking With David Frost (PBS, 10 p.m.): United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali is the guest in a one-on-one hour-long interview. He will discuss the UN's role in Bosnia and Somalia, and the agency's increasing prominence in world affairs. Although he's only been in office since January 1992, many people consider Mr. Boutros-Ghali the most experienced analyst of foreign affairs to become secretary-general. A multilingual Egyptian Coptic Christian, he taught international law for 30 yea rs and served as Egypt's minister of state for foreign affairs. Despite a fiscal crisis that has forced the UN to limit its peace-keeping operations, the organization is currently in charge of a record number - 10. Boutros-Ghali himself has earned a reputation as an activist diplomat in an agency that has been criticized as a slow-moving bureaucracy. SATURDAY

South Central: Kid to Kid (ABC, 12 p.m.): Since the riots erupted in Los Angeles in April 1992, the city has been the focus of much media attention. Journalists, community residents, politicians, and others continue to offer opinions and examine solutions to urban problems and unrest. Here's a perspective from a different group: children. Six groups of teens from ethnically different neighborhoods were given videocameras and let loose in their neighborhoods. They produced a collection of video essays tha t express their views on race relations and aim to overcome fear, prejudice, and hate.

Please check local listings for all programs, especially those on PBS.