Britain's Aid Policy to Bosnia

February 10, 1993

The front-page article "Britain Resists Pressure From US to Shift Foreign Policy Stance," Feb. 1, proves that the ghost of former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain is alive and well in Britain. The reluctance of the British to aid Bosnia militarily, in the face of dire and obvious need, shows that a generation of Britons has forgotten its own plight when it begged for help against the Nazis. If Franklin Roosevelt had replied, "No, Americans might be endangered," or argued that people are crazy to think that direct military intervention would stop the fighting, where would Britain be today? The British should reflect on how they sound to the world, considering their own past needs.

The British may be forgiven for thinking only of themselves, but President Clinton should remind Prime Minister John Major of what he might be like, on his own, needing help - especially in the nuclear age. Amy Sharp, Bellevue, Wash.

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