New England Profile

October 14, 1992

Population - Regional average net change(1980-1990): +9.38 percent. Racial Distribution - New England is an extremely white region, with Vermont recording a 98.6 percent high. The lowest proportion of whites comes from Connecticut, at 87 percent. That state has the most blacks and Hispanics, at 8.3 percent and 6.5 percent, respectively. Hispanic and Asian populations in northern New England are negligible. Economy - Manufacturing, services, trade, tourism, government, finance, insurance, real estate, agriculture. Per Capita Income - Regional average (1990) - $20,378 Unemployment - Regional average (through August 1992) - 7.08 percent Sources: *1990 census figures. The World Almanac and Book of Facts (1982, 1992), US Bureau of Labor Statistics.