The Nature Conservancy

September 4, 1992

I applaud the Monitor for publicizing the valuable work of the Nature Conservancy of Texas in the Habitat page article "Lone Star State Creates Conservation Partnership," Aug. 20. It is particularly timely, since on the same day I received a letter stating that the environmental group "Wise Use" chose to target the Nature Conservancy in a campaign of misinformation and half truths with the ultimate goal "to destroy them."

As shown in the Monitor's article, the aim of the Nature Conservancy is to balance, through cooperation and innovation, the needs of people and nature, so both can thrive.

The Earth could handle man's abusive exploitation when human population was small. But as long as the upward spiral of population growth is out of control, we are participating in a whole new game. Finding new rules and being willing to follow them are vital. Lee MacKinnon, Sparks, Nev.

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