August 27, 1992

SUNDAY The Emmys (Fox, 8-11 p.m.): When is a TV movie not a TV movie? Answer: when it's an Emmy candidate. Then it can simultaneously be a pilot and a miniseries or a special - like the NBC drama series "I'll Fly Away," for instance, which has been nominated for various awards in all of these categories. It's part of the confusing and controversial new rules for the 44th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, on which guest appearances qualify candidates for "best lead and supporting actors," and other anomalies abound. One effect may be to make the proceedings windier than ever this year, and there have been lots of complaints from candidates, along with concern over the show's continuing drop in ratings since it started airing on Fox in 1987. (Many feel it may be too explicit a network for the Emmys to be on in the first place). Roseanne Arnold should be happy though - she has her first Emmy nomination (Best Actress for "Roseanne"). And a parade of stars - including co-hosts Tim Allen, Kirstie Alley, and Dennis Miller - should help

capture at least some of the traditional glitter and excitement. (The show will air live on the East Coast and by delayed tape in most other areas.)