July 15, 1992

The July 13 keynote speakers at the Democratic National Convention evoked three distinct moods: somber and profound (New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley); irreverent and populist (Georgia Gov. Zell Miller); and professorial and dignified (ex-US Rep. Barbara Jordan).

Senator Bradley opened the speeches with the line, "Bill Clinton will be the next president of the United States." But he never mentioned the Arkansas governor again. Instead, he launched into an attack on Republican rule.

The down-home Miller, with his backwoods twang, gave a sometimes biting partisan speech depicting both himself and Mr. Clinton as poor boys who worked hard and made good.

Ms. Jordan did not mention Clinton by name, which irritated some. But she did say, in her inimitable stentorian tones, that her last keynote speech at a convention was 16 years ago in the same place, and the Democrats won the election. "Why not repeat that moment in 1992?" she asked to cheers.