Paying for Higher Education

May 21, 1992

Thank you for the well written Opinion page article "For Many, a Void After High School," May 12. Having gotten a student loan at one time myself, I can testify to the flaws of this type of financial aid.

One loan is never enough; my loan of $5,000 covered tuition for one semester, and room and board for two. In addition, we are encouraging the borrowing behavior, as opposed to saving, at a young age. And, as the article points out, there is a high default risk in these loans.

If we do not come up with better financial-aid programs, not only won't our students take "full advantage" of the higher education system, but the diversity and flexibility that the author talks about will also be in jeopardy. Our universities and colleges are already eliminating departments and classes for the lack of students and funds. Shervin S. Churchill, Miami

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