The Status of the Kurds in Turkey

April 29, 1992

The article "Turkey's Kurds Gear Up for Revolt," April 8, does not completely illuminate the actual situation between Turks and Kurdish rebels. It claims that southeastern Kurds are growing more sympathetic to the rebels, but it omits mention of the Kurdish Workers Party's (PKK) death threats to Kurds who won't collaborate. And not once does it acknowledge the outlawed Marxist PKK to be a terrorist organization.

Recently violent attacks against Turkish businesses, banks, and consulates have been made in Berlin, Amsterdam, The Hague, and Brussels, as well as Istanbul. By now, Turkish security forces have been mobilized and it is to be hoped the PKK will cease its guerrilla attacks.

It must be admitted that Turkey has made some mistakes regarding the Kurds. Kurds are full citizens and, in fact, are proportionally represented in the Turkish parliament. The Turkish foreign minister is a Kurd. However, until recently the Kurdish language was virtually outlawed with a consequent denigration of Kurdish culture. This situation is now improving. The language is accepted, and one hopes such steps will continue so all Kurds will come to feel loyalty to the country they are a vital part of. Anne Binkley, Philadelphia

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