Ways to Influence Government Other Than by Not Paying Taxes

March 31, 1992

Regarding the Opinion page article, "Paying the Price for an Act of Conscience," March 23: I understand that some approve of Randy Kehler's "act of conscience" in refusing to pay taxes as a way of making a statement that he is opposed to the United States having any defense capability.

I too have been opposed to paying taxes, having felt that I could make much better use of the one-third of my income that went to support government by giving a good chunk of it to, for example, the Salvation Army.

However, I have respect for our political process and the fact that we can all support the party we feel is the better one, help elect good candidates, and vote. My course has been to work actively in politics to bring about the changes that seem to me most needed. Gladys Abell, Grand Junction, Colo.

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