Teaching Is a Full-Time Job

March 24, 1992

The Opinion page article "Year-Round Teaching," Feb. 27, is full of sound advice and reasoning. However, one sentence is sure to strike a dissonant chord with teachers everywhere. I know no teachers who work "180 days, five hours a day," or have three months "off" in the summer.

I believe this article illustrated one of the truths of our educational dilemma, that there are too many individual points of view, without awareness of the whole picture. Everyone is conscientious and well-meaning, but the narrow view is damaging. For example, those who no longer have children in school think they don't have a stake in meeting today's classroom challenges, but they do. Surely they would want their future lawyers and clerks and dentists to be well-prepared for their jobs. Nan Williams, Winter Park, Fla., Elementary Division Director, Florida Art Education Association

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