Environmental Concerns in Latin America Require US Attention

January 3, 1992

The article "Natural-Resource Losses Reduce Costa Rican GNP Gains," Dec. 18, perhaps will force the United States and other developed nations of the world to stand up and take notice of the destruction of the global environment. The article speaks in terms governments can understand - money.

The destruction of Latin American natural resources is not a new issue, and Latin Americans cannot be held accountable for this situation. People living at or below the poverty level cannot see beyond their next meal, much less the impact of slash-and-burn farming on the global environment. The responsibility lies with the developed nations of the world, which have the funding and knowledge to turn natural resources into profit without destroying the environment.

The US needs to set an example by stepping to the forefront of environmental protection, despite the economic strains. Jennifer L. Paluso, Windsor, Conn.

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