Low Turnout and the 'Motor-Voter' Bill

October 18, 1991

Regarding the pro-con opinion-page articles "Should US Simplify Voter Registration?," Oct. 1: I tend to agree, in part, with both sides of the debate. However, easing registration does not really address the problem of low voter turnout at the polls.I cannot and do not believe, as opponents of the "motor-voter" bill suggest, that the voter is contented with the status quo in our society. There is simply too much that is wrong. Neither writer refers to the sense of national voter apathy due, in part, to the failure of our political system. I would suggest an alternative to the tongue-in-cheek suggestion of "coercion and bribery": Decrease the financial influence of political action committees so that the elected are answerable to voters on election day. Return government to the governed. David F. Schmidt, Arlington, Va.

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