CORRECTION COCorrection for 9/11/91

September 18, 1991

A reader phoned to say, "I never try a newspaper recipe for at least a week after it's been printed to see if a correction appears." In that spirit, we need to correct the "pasty" recipe that appeared in the Points of the Compass that ran Sept. 11. The recipe should have included for the crust: 3 cups flour, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 cup lard, 1 cup water. For the filling: 1 lb. flank steak (cut into 1/2-inch cubes), 1 lb. pork (cut into 1/2-inch cubes), 5 medium potatoes (diced), 3 carrots (diced), 1/4 largerutabaga (diced), 1 medium onion (diced), parsley (to taste), salt, and pepper, 5 teaspoons suet or butter.