Presidential Candidates: Name Recognition Versus Issues

September 12, 1991

The opinion-page column "After the Coup, a Gloomy Political Climate for Democrats," Aug. 27, suggests that it will be difficult for a Democratic candidate to receive much attention at this time.The author talks about Gov. Mario Cuomo's "stature," but says nothing of the governor's ideas or program for the country. I continue to be astonished that journalists are still looking for a Democratic candidate whose prime qualification is "name recognition." None seem to give notice to the one candidate who has committed to writing his comprehensive plan and strategy based on sound principles. Paul Tsongas is a bright, decent, and thoughtful man who had the courage to lay out his program for all to see a full year and a half before the 1992 presidential election. While other candidates are ducking and dodging, sticking their fingers in the air to see which way the wind is blowing, Tsongas has looked at our country, identified the enormous problems in education, ethics, economics, energy, environment, and our culture and addressed them. I've been a Republican all my life, but I have never read a sounder political plan than Tsongas's "A Call to Economic Arms." I am baffled by the media's seeming purposeful disregard of a candidate who has a fine political background and who has been back in the world of business for the past several years. Niels Andersen, Cedar Springs, Mich.

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