Religion and the abortion debate

August 30, 1991

The question of abortion is a complicated one for many women. Age, education, circumstances, and economics are elements that come into play when a woman is facing this difficult question. Making abortion illegal is not the answer, just as prohibition was not the answer to alcohol consumption or abuse.For decades, women seeking abortions had many options available to them, depending on their socioeconomic means. The cost and hence the safety of the procedure was the main question - not whether to seek the abortion. The question for our nation is whether we should be returning to positions outgrown, thus endangering the lives of women of childbearing age, or concentrating on education, counseling, and support for them. Options and freedom to choose are essential, if we are to preserve the freedoms of speech, choice, and religion upon which this nation was founded. Nancy Eifert, Fort Pierce, Fla.

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