August 12, 1991

Swimming on the road requires little by way of gear. This is a big advantage. Even if you aren't sure you will find a pool, you can pack the basics into your day bag, just in case.Swimsuits: The best ones are the nylon racing models. They dry fast and take up practically no space in a suitcase. Goggles: The European pools seem to contain fewer chemicals than city pools in America. But take goggles, especially if you swim laps. Caps: Most pools don't require them. But take one anyway. Towel: Bring your own, along with comb, shampoo, and so on. Lock: Most pools provide one, but it's another item to have just in case. I did not encounter any problem with security, even when I checked an expensive camera with my clothes in Paris. But if you can leave your money and other valuables at the hotel, so much the better.

Today the Monitor introduces its 'Odyssey' page, featuring articles about the experience of travel.