Israel's policies in the territories

July 9, 1991

The article, which reports on stepped-up Israeli land-grabs in the West Bank - over 32,000 acres in the past three months alone - and the attendant displacement and intimidation of Palestinians, is disturbing.As a result, harm is done to Israel itself. Its moral foundations are eroded because Palestinians are denied their basic human rights. Grievous harm is also done to the Palestinians. Are they less human, less worthy of land, water, home, education, political rights than the Israelis? The US government neglects the needs of its own people, particularly in affordable housing, yet subsidizes Israel at an annual rate of billions! I have yet to hear one person support the expansionist policies of the Shamir government. Thus I am puzzled how Congress gets such a contrary message. Lizabeth H. Furst, Springdale, Ark.

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