February 4, 1991

The Cincinnati Academy of Physical Education has made its mark with a budget that would embarrass a suburban school: CAPE's ambition and scope exceed its facilities to an outlandish degree. As a result, the CAPE concept, and not its floor plan, is being borrowed by other schools. Scarcely a week goes by that CAPE athletic director Bruce Breiner is not hosting a visitor from another state or country who is curious about the school's methods. A handful of schools have begun to incorporate physical education programs based on CAPE's, and next year a school in Kansas City, Mo., will take the concept to another level.

Like CAPE, Kansas City's new Central High School is in response to a court-ordered desegregation mandate (see accompanying story). Unlike CAPE, Central will offer state-of-the-art facilities, including an Olympic-size swimming pool, Nautilus weight room, and field house. And unlike CAPE, Central will be available on a non-tuition basis to students outside the city.

Based on classical Greek educational and athletic philosophies, Central will be a magnet school designed to attract white suburban students to the city by providing top-notch athletes with unequaled training opportunities.
