Patience, Tolerance for Mideast

December 21, 1989

I read with great interest the opinion-page column ``How the US Can Advance Israeli-Palestinian Peace,'' Dec. 7. On this complicated, virulent, and controversial situation, the writer has written with a sagacity and perspective which convey a degree of realism and hope. He sees the need for Israel to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization and to negotiate with the Palestinians on the broad principle of their final recognition as a nation.

The peace-talks negotiating team would be wise to listen to the knowledge, tolerance, and patience of this column's writer. Barrett Parker, Brunswick, Maine

A note of thanks Thanks greatly for the world edition of the Monitor. It has been of immense help to me in my daily desire for fast news and current worldwide developments.

The Monitor is a spiritual blessing. Kindly accept my warmest gratitude to the whole staff. Samuel Ogbonna, Makurdi, Nigeria