October 2, 1989

Eastern Europe is getting its first business administration schools designed to turn a new breed of managers into competitive market-oriented executives. ``Intellectually, these are not new concepts,'' says Andrzej Kosminski, a Warsaw University professor who is creating the International Business School here. When it opens Oct. 23, it will offer the first East-bloc equivalent of a master's of business administration. Western companies are also opening business skills schools in Poland and Hungary.

The moves come as Poland and Hungary are cutting restraints on domestic entrepreneurs, demanding that state-run enterprises be profitable, and opening their borders to foreign investors.

Motivating workers, pleasing customers, direct foreign trade, and cost saving are largely new concepts for the would-be East-bloc entrepreneur.

``Our business people are used to thinking in socialist conditions: `I produce because I must cover the social need.' This is nonsense,'' said Bogda Zukowska, a journalist for Poland's Economic Life newspaper.

Hopes for resurrecting Poland's economy hinge largely on foreign investment and domestic private enterprise. But Poles must learn how the West does business when there is competition for customers who have a range of choices, and foreign investors must learn how business works in what Mr. Kosminski calls Poland's ``negotiable'' economy.