June 2, 1989

DARK HABITS - Real humor takes a back seat to strained outrageousness in Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almod'ovar's pitch-black comedy about nuns. (Not rated) SCENES FROM THE CLASS STRUGGLE IN BEVERLY HILLS - Sexual struggle, too, in this comedy about two household servants who wager on their ability to seduce their wealthy employers. Directed by Paul Bartel, who concocts a few moments of genuine wit and insight amid the general raunchiness. (Rated R)

STEALING HEAVEN - The legend of Heloise and Abelard, the famous medieval lovers, retold with lots of sex scenes. Directed by Clive Donner, who serves up some striking historical images but fails to give the film a compelling rhythm or a strong sense of conviction. (Rated R)

THE SUITORS - Dark comedy about four Iranian immigrants who arrive in New York without learning the local customs first. Their trouble starts when they slaughter a sheep in their bathtub and attract the attention of an antiterrorist police unit. The story culminates in a memorably bizarre episode that finds the heroine sneaking to an airport in a suitcase. Directed by Ghasem Ebrahimian, who came to the United States 15 years ago to study filmmaking, and has a lot of promise. (Not rated)