December 31, 1987

AU REVOIR LES ENFANTS - The setting is a Roman Catholic boys' school in France during the Nazi occupation. The protagonist is a child who accidentally learns that some pupils, including his newest friend, are Jews being hidden. This poignant yet utterly unsentimental tale was directed with quiet assurance by Louis Malle, perhaps Europe's most versatile filmmaker in Europe; he based the story on memories of his own childhood. Skillfully acted, deftly photographed, and deeply affecting. (Not rated) BROADCAST NEWS - A romantic comedy where, surprisingly, none of the romances quite come to pass. The characters are an energetic TV producer, an anchor who reads the news better than he understands it, and a go-getter who's stuck permanently in second place. Written and directed by James L. Brooks, the picture is less pretentious and much funnier than his ``Terms of Endearment.'' Holly Hunter proves herself a star, and Albert Brooks has the most hilarious scene of the season. In all, one of the year's most enjoyable surprises. Look out for some rough language, though. (Rated R) GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM - The hero, a military disc jockey during the Vietnam war, insists on speaking to GIs in their own irreverent language; the authorities want him to stick to dull music and ``morale boosting'' news items. It takes the instincts of a Robert Altman to direct a film that elevates the insanity and absurdity of war into a sardonic cry of protest. Barry Levinson doesn't manage this, but he comes up with a few biting scenes when he isn't indulging the improvisational excesses of star Robin Williams. Three cheers for Forest Whitaker, who steals the movie as a sidekick. (Rated R) THE ROSE KING - A tortured tale of family tension and homoerotic yearnings. Directed by West German camp specialist Werner Schroeter with Magdalena Montezuma, who plays one of the leading roles. Sumptuous photography can't disguise the preposterous blend of pretension and whining self-pity. (Not rated)