Recommended reading in fantasy and science fiction

November 6, 1987

Series Lloyd Alexander: Prydain Chronicles (Dutton), ages 8 and up. John Christopher: ``The White Mountains'' trilogy (Macmillan), ages 11 and up. Susan Cooper: ``The Dark Is Rising'' series (Atheneum), ages 9 and up. Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea trilogy (Atheneum), ages 12 and up. C.S.Lewis: Chronicles of Narnia (Macmillan), ages 8 and up. Anne McCaffrey: Dragonsong series (Atheneum), ages 12 and up. Patricia McKillip: Quest of the Riddle-Master series (Atheneum), ages 12 and up. J.R.R. Tolkien: Middle Earth stories (Houghton Mifflin), ages 12 and up.

Individual titles Diana Wynne Jones: ``The Homeward Bounders'' (Greenwillow), ages 12 and up. Madeleine L'Engle: ``A Wrinkle in Time,'' ``A Wind in the Door,'' ``A Swiftly Tilting Planet'' (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), ages 11 and up. Robin McKinley: ``The Blue Sword,'' ``The Hero and the Crown,'' ``The Door in the Hedge'' (Greenwillow), ages 12 and up. Margaret Mahy: ``The Haunting'' (Atheneum), ages 11 and up. Rosemary Sutcliff: ``Light Beyond the Forest,'' ``Road to Camlann,'' ``Sword and the Circle'' (Dutton), ages 11 and up.