US drops 100 percent tariff on Japanese chips

November 6, 1987

The United States announced Wednesday removal of 100 percent tariffs imposed last April on Japanese electronic exports to America. Undersecretary of Commerce Bruce Smart, in disclosing the action, said alleged Japanese dumping of semiconductor chips had stopped. The US, however, has left approximately $164 million worth of sanctions in effect, charging American chipmakers are not given enough access to Japan's market.

``We still find little evidence of a steady increase in market access called for in the agreement,'' said Mr. Smart in his statement. ``Until meaningful progress is registered in this area, the semiconductor agreement is not being fully implemented.''

The Japanese electronic industry counters that there has been a lack of effort on the part of American firms to compete in Japan. Junji Yoshihara of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry charges that what ``the US government is doing now is blaming Japan for the inability and unwillingness of their chipmakers to compete here. There is no evidence of unfairness in the Japanese market and the sanctions should be removed completely and promptly.''