US sanctions against South Africa

October 31, 1985

In September, President Reagan issued an executive order calling for economic sanctions South Africa. Adopted under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the embargo measures stipulate: A curb on loans from United States banks to the South African government, unless the funds are for improving the health, education, and economic situation of all races. A ban on computer exports to the South African police, military, or any security agency that enforces apartheid. A ban on the export to South Africa of nuclear technology and goods unless the material is for humanitarian purposes or for the overseeing of nuclear nonproliferation. A ban on US government assistance to any American company in South Africa (employing more than 25 people) that does not adhere to what the US considers fair and nondiscriminatory employment practices. Mr. Reagan asked US corporations to follow the so-called Sullivan Principles, the nondiscriminatory employment and promotion principles set down by the Rev. Leon Sullivan, the Philadelphia clergyman. A possible ban on the importation of Krugerrands, South Africa's gold coins. Establishment of a commission to study and make recommendations for peaceful change in South Africa.

This month the Treasury Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms issued a ban on the importation of firearms, ammunition, and technical arms manuals from South Africa to the US. {et