On the move?

August 1, 1985

WE live in a world on the move. In our grandparents' time, people more often stayed put. They lived, worked, and raised their families in the same town as their parents did. But now it's said that the average stay in one community is only a few years. That's not much time to sink roots, make friends, become part of the company or community. And leaving can be wrenching, resettling a challenge for families, if we look only at the surface of things. But there is a deeper dimension, transcending appearances and the moment's circumstances--a reality that, when discerned, can destroy the fear and suffering related to change. This reality is the steady, uninterrupted spiritual good that comes from God, and which is ours by divine right. It's our heritage as the children of God. Many people think that their joy comes from being in a certain locale, near certain people, doing only a particular kind of work. If this were really so, we could lose our joy if circumstances required a move. But our happiness actually comes from God, who is divine Love. Our security is eternally rooted in our Father, who never changes, is never absent from His creation. If the person moving is someone dear to us, we will feel free to let that one progress as we realize the infinite nature of God's love. This love is all-encompassing, embracing everyone. In our family, progress has compelled several moves, and even career changes. These might have been real hardships, imposing suffering on those moving or those left behind. But since we became aware of the presence of God and His unvarying love for His offspring, we've found each move an exciting opportunity. Our fields of friendship have expanded, and we've discovered new views of goodness everywhere. We actually look forward now to the divine impetus that directs us to move on. When faced with a need to change our lives, we can begin by employing such God-derived qualities as courage, persistence, and trust in our creator, realizing their divine source and healing influence. If we need help in overcoming fear of change, the Bible can be of great comfort. For example, the Psalmist asks, referring to God: ``Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? . . . If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even the re shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.'' 1 And centuries later the Apostle Paul echoed the same trust in God's omnipresent authority. He wrote to the church at Rome, ``I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.'' 2 In the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy3 writes, ``Where the spirit of God is, and there is no place where God is not, evil becomes nothing,--the opposite of the something of Spirit.'' 4 Here is the antidote for one who sees loneliness, separation, or confusion as part of the moving process. The statement that ``there is no place where God is not'' indicates clearly that there is no place where good is not--nowhere in the universe of Spirit from which love and joy are excluded. We can shift the balance and improve our view by making it our business to identify every evidence we see of this infinite good. It may appear as a sunny moving day, or kind neighbors, or the realization that we're needed in our new location. Replacing fearful thoughts with the recognition of God's omnipresence, feeling His goodness and care in the quietness of prayer, we can face major changes in our lives with dominion. We can expect an improved quality of life and expanding opportunities to do good as we let go of the old and rejoice in the evidence of progress. 1 Psalms 139:7, 9, 10. 2 Romans 8:38, 39. 3 The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. 4 Science and Health, p. 480.{et