News In Brief

September 18, 1984

British coal miners may seek arbitration; dock accord near

Britain's coal strike entered its 28th week Monday with talk that outside mediation might be sought. Miners' leader Arthur Scargill said Sunday night that he is prepared to put the National Union of Mineworkers' case to an independent arbitrator.

A longshoremen's union official predicted the three-week national dock strike would end this week. Scottish dockworkers' leader John Hardie said he expected that an assurance by employers on job security for boatmen and tugboat crews on the Clyde River would be accepted this week by the Transport and General Workers Union.

Meanwhile, Soviet authorities are raising money to help striking British miners and their families, British Broadcasting Corporation reported last Friday. The BBC said a Moscow Radio broadcast on Sept. 2 reported that Ukrainian miners had collected 50,000 convertible rubles, roughly $59,000, for the miners, who are participating in the six-month walkout.