Fashion terms in the news

September 10, 1984

Coats focus on two main styles this fall: The Balmacaan, borrowed from a menswear favorite, hangs straight or slightly flared, and has raglan sleeves and slash pockets.

The Chesterfield, another men's classic taken over by women, can be double-breasted. Its most distinguishing feature is a velvet collar.

Boleros are short, boxy jackets seldom longer than the waistline. To achieve significance this fall, these need to be highly ornamental, done in rich fabrics , often embellished with decorative art details.

Sleeves are a focal point for fall, and the bigger the better. The Dolman sleeve is fitted into an extra-large armhole that may extend almost to the waist. It is often confused with the Raglan, which has no shoulder seam but a slanting seam from neckline to underarm. Fabrics are often the stars of a fall and winter season because of their dual role of providing beauty and utility. Cashmere is made from the underhairs of special Himalayan goats found in Tibet, Kashmir, Iran, and Iraq. It's expensive because of its scarcity and softness and long life.

Camel hair, sturdier and not as soft as cashmere, comes from the very soft underhairs of the Bactrian or double-humped camel. It has a wool-like appearance and long life, and is said to be one and a half times as warm as wool.