Deficit task now . . .

April 16, 1984

CONGRESSIONAL lawmakers headed back home over the past few days for a week-long spring vacation break. They left Washington knowing that they have now taken some initial steps to reduce the massive federal budget deficits projected for the years ahead - deficits that could adversely affect the United States economic recovery.

But it should come as no surprise that what they are now hearing loud and clear from their constituents out in all the cities, towns, and rural areas of America is that despite last week's progress on the budget front, there is much work that yet must be done to put the nation's fiscal and economic affairs in order.

For the rest of 1984, Congress must follow through on the current three-year deficit-reduction packages now under consideration in both the Senate and House. Both chambers last week approved revenue increases ($48 billion in the Senate, $ 49 billion in the House) that would boost taxes on liquor, limit or restrict certain tax breaks, and make it more difficult to use income averaging. When lawmakers return from their break, they will have to move ahead with action on cuts in entitlement and defense programs. The sooner a bipartisan package is completed the better.