News In Brief

April 12, 1984

Peru gets new a premier in Cabinet shake-up and Bolivian shuffle returns a coalition partner

Bolivian President Hernan Siles Zuazo announced Tuesday the third major Cabinet shuffle in his 17 months in office. The Movement of the Revolutionary Left, part of Mr. Siles Zuazo's left-wing coalition until it withdrew in January last year over policy disagreements, was given four Cabinet posts out of 18 in the shuffle. Three independents were named ministers and 10 members of the old Cabinet were reappointed, with the ministry for rural affairs left vacant.

Siles Zuazo, whose government has been beset by social unrest and bitter political infighting, renewed a pledge to curb inflation through a set of economic measures outlined in a speech April 6 which include a currency devaluation, an end to food price subsidies and public utility tariffs, and a reduction of the fiscal deficit.