News In Brief

November 7, 1983

Two ambassadors to UN moving to Washington

Two West European ambassadors to the United Nations will move to Washington to take up positions as ambassadors to the United States at the end of the year. One is France's Luc de la Barre de Nantueil, who owes his nomination to the new post to the support of the French Jewish lobby, to his Jewish-American connections, and his pro-Reagan leanings.

The other one is West Germany's Guenther van Well, a diplomat who is highly esteemed by the Kohl administration, as he was by former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Mr. Van Well previously held the sensitive post of director of political affairs at Bonn's Foreign Ministry. Mr. Nantueil's fortunes have risen only recently, since his close friend, Claude Cheysson, became France's minister of foreign affairs.