Needlepoint designs from rug patterns; Needlepoint Designs from Oriental Rugs, by Grethe Sorensen. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, $12.95 paper.

November 7, 1983

With this book, Grethe Sorensen has filled a void in needlepoint design books. This attractive paperback, styled after other rug-pattern books, provides charted designs of 15 beautiful rugs. But only half the symmetrical designs are charted, leaving the task of visualizing the mirror image of the pattern to the needleworker.

With all the camera services available to the publisher, it would have been more practical for the author to provide the opposite side of the patterns. This would have made for a truly complete volume.

The completed projects shown in the book's color photos could more nearly resemble authentic carpets through the selection of more suitably colored yarns. The needleworker might select vegetable-dyed or slightly variegated wool.